Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Useful things I learnt in ARCH1101

There are a few...

Drawing inspiration from past and existing architects. In both experiment 1 and 2 using precedent studies helped me a lot in realising my direction both in terms of design and the task at hand.

PLANNING MY TIME!!!!! Considering how long I think a task will take me to complete and at least doubling it to get the amount of time it actually takes.

Going to the lectures, they are a definite source of inspiration (and a lot of the time entertainment with all the videos!) to get more creative with my work and (cliche, but true) think outside the square! In addition to checking out other student's blogs from this year, I like seeing and getting motivated by past student and professional works.

On the technical side of things, deomonstrations by various students within the studio classes using the computer programs uncover many previously unknown shortcuts and such. Working on UT together as a group helps a lot with understanding how to use the program a lot more quickly, hence saving us the time trying to figure it out for ourselves at home.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

news article 'mashUp'

It's been six years since Donatella's brother Gianni was murdered and she assumed responsibility for designing a paper-trading company, now the biggest in China. Just five years ago, Donatella and her husband were driving around the United States in a used Dodge Caravan minivan, rendered beautiful to the touch. China's own paper products are poor quality, so Versace began looking overseas for scrap metal and used paper. "She's a visionary," said Herman Woo, an analyst at BNP Paribas, "She doesn't mind putting a lot of money in at the beginning, to build the company." Donatella said “It is not a job; it is my personality. I am, how do you say, very hyper. I get very excited. I put passion in everything I do. It started as a joke, but people were buying more and more and more.”

Continued insistence on controlling every aspect of the user experience is proof of her surging confidence, with clothes emblazoned with her initials and models fashioned after Donatella herself -- platinum extensions and all. “ I went to see Prince at Paisley Park in Minneapolis. He did the whole concert for us. I forced him to sing ''Purple Rain.'' He said, ''I hate it.'' But he sang it for me.”.

A decade later, the company has built a hardware-based kingdom with 11 giant paper making machines, 5,300 employees, $1 billion in annual revenue and a huge new facility under construction. Global paper giants, like International Paper, Weyerhauser and Smurfit Stone have some bullets, but Versace owns the gun.


Eisner, Lisa and Alonso, Roman. "La Dolce Diva." New York Times, August 17, 2003, http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E06E5DE1631F934A2575BC0A9659C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2 (accessed 15 May 2008).

Carr, David. "Steve Jobs: iCame, iSaw, iCaved." New York Times, September 10, 2007, http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/10/business/media/10carr.html (accessed 15 May 2008).

Barboza, David. "China's 'Queen of Trash' finds riches in waste paper." International Herald Tribune, January 15, 2007, http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/01/15/business/trash.php?page=2 (accessed 15 May 2008).

Monday, May 5, 2008

link to filefront!


final images

The above image is inspired by Florence Nightingale's quote. I wanted to draw attention to the concept of the alter using the rectangular forms in combination with the lighting, as mentioned in earlier posts.

The above is a view from the top of the second ramp going down into Goodall's space. As explained earlier, it is a chaotic space which I wanted to contrast with the rest of the model through form, textures and coloured lighting.

This is the view from the top seeing into the meeting space. I wanted the light to shine through the top of the structure so as to warm up the space, conveying the ideas of love and compassion within my 'electroliquid aggregation'.

development of Goodall's space - chaotic

Sunday, May 4, 2008

development of the meeting space

These images show my first explorations of the meeting space. The concept behind it came from the 'electroliquid aggregation' where the underlying message was one of love and compassion. I thought I could mirror this by having a relatively simple space which was flooded with natural light from above to create a warm atmosphere. This will develop more once I import some of my own textures.

experimenting with ideas for Nightingale space

Here are a couple of shots showing my initial experimentations with Nightingale's space inside the solid space. The structure casting the shadow is the original axonometric drawing exploring the notion of the alter. The shadow it casts shows much more of an alter-like object, which highlights the main idea of this structure.
The lighting also draws attention to the structure within the much more simple and conventional space surrounding, adding more emphasis to the concept of the alter.
Below is a shot of what the space looks like from the entrance point, showing the shadow cast by the sun.

electroliquid aggregation

A combination of the quotes by Goodall and Nightingale...

"We don't have to go the aggressive route. We have to remember that compassion and love and altruism is deeply rooted in our heritage. I stand at the alter of the murdered men, and, while I live, I fight their cause. That is where I believe human destiny ultimately is taking us."

initial experimentation with rectangular prisms



36 custom textures

36 custom textures showing the progression from light to dark

18 axonometric drawings

axonometric drawings for Jane Goodall

axonometric drawings for Florence Nightingale

Saturday, May 3, 2008

some inspirational images

Starting with the basics, I've found a few images which have helped me realise my direction with this project. The first 2 images relate to our intersecting rectangles concept; seeing a real life example of these made the task a little easier to visualise.

Tadao Ando
Toyo Ito
Tadao Ando - this image looks very similar to the UT 2004 environment, textures, shapes, shadows...only with day time lighting.
Rafael Moneo - this image is a great example of the concept of juxtaposition I have for Goodall's studio, which is to make the structure of it fairly chaotic and the ramp leading to it much simpler. (This came from an idea within her quote where she speaks of love and compassion and then directly opposes it with ideas of brutality and aggression).
The above two images are of works by Coop Himmelblau, an architectural firm I am interested in writing about for my next history assignment. Upon researching information about them I came across these two images which again helped me realise where I wanted to go with Goodall's (chaotic) studio.